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单词 scared 例句大全,用单词scared造句:

These economic and social pressures have left many young people scared, angry.
The announcement Scared many politicians into voting for the change in the law.
Apparently, you were cracking a harmless joke, but she was terribly scared.
I know you are very worried about the accident were scared of me, rest assured!
She was always scared to appear in public because of the large burn on her face.
The car accident happened right in front of my eyes. I was scared out of my wits.
The criminal's threat scared the bank officer so he didn't push the alarm button.
Your appearance, the voice, every word and deeds let me be pleasant, scared witless.
Finally, the request of Steel Association or economic mind it a bit, scared to learn.
Once an aspiring student thinking only of her future, now she was scared all the time.
I’ve been avoiding serious relationships because I’m scared of getting hurt again.
I remembered feeling scared out of my wits singing for an assembly of high school kids.
We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.
Most likely the girl was scared by Abbess Shih, for she did not come the following evening.
被石道姑这一撞破, 那女子多半受了惊吓, 第二天未曾再来。
I'm always scared of his temper, as though any minute he'll get angry and rough someone up.
Aline scared, this air conditioning early don't open late, don't open today, is desperately!
阿林傻眼了, 这空调早不开晚不开, 偏偏今天开, 真是要命哪!
I've been very scared in combat, but most of the time when I was out there, I wasn't scared.
我曾经害怕过 但大多数时候我在那儿 是不感到害怕的
The sermon tried to chastise us with scorpions, hellfire abd brim stone. We were scared to death.
这篇说教用恐怖和酷刑折磨我们, 把我们吓得要死。
It was a little girl, and it seemed that with the appearance of this dark man she became intensely scared.
Viewers are scared into clicking on a link that they are led to believe will allow them to cancel the order.
Xiangzi regretted nothing, he was only scared, scared of that ghost which followed him constantly, everywhere.
What has caused the resurgence in financial panic, in a manner that has apparently left global leaders so scared.
I was very scared beforehand and incredibly scared afterwards, and that fear that comes afterwards can last years.
去之前害怕过 回来之后也后怕 这种后怕能持续几年的时间
The misgiving of Shu aroma didnt ease how much, she is scared namely she brought difficulty wild goose south to fly.
The scared disease, angst disease, hypochondriasis disease, relationship that forces disease and insomnia is very close.

单词 scared 释义

  • 单词释义:恐惧的;惊恐的;担心的  [更多..]



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