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单词 metal 例句大全,用单词metal造句:

Analysis of Absorption and Accumulation Ability and Heavy Metal Stress Resistance of Three Shrubs
Study on the Role of Paulownia fortunei in Accumulation and Transformation of Heavy Metal in Soil
Absorptivity of temperature sensitivity linear copolymers to metal ions in dilute aqueous solution
One, is an openwork silver bead that can only be accessed through the holes in the metal gridwork.
Helper Accessory Factory is a reliable, professional manufacturer on metal silver plating products.
辅助配件厂是一家可靠, 专业生产金属镀银产品。
The Parameters of Noble Metal and Calculations of Dilute Solution Heat for Noble Metal Binary Alloys
Determination of Trace Metal in Silver Nitrate by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
The sound absorption performance of single layer metal rubber material was theoretically investigated.
The vertical metal walls of the waveguide resonators are realized by closely spaced metal filled vias.
For example, it can detect the abnormal functions of metal objects in the process of power transmission.
比如在电力传输的过程中, 检测出金属物体等异常的功能。
Research Progress in Metal Oxides for the Abatement of Particulate Matter from Diesel Vehicle Exhaust gases
The major ore type is Gold bearing quartz type with poly metal sulfide containing abundant bullion and much.
Study of resonant ionization of Alkali metal atom produced by photodissociation of Alkali metal iodide molecule
Experimental Study on the Metal Ceramic Thermal Couple for Continuous Measuring of the Temperature of Hot Metal
and a metal masking is used for performing the metal erosion to form a metal under layer and a connection line.
If we talk about fan gifts, my absolute favorite is a guitar pick shaped metal necklace with a caricature of my face.
如果说是粉丝送的, 最好的是一个吉他, 项链上是我的漫画。
A large processing and forging riveting equipment, mainly produces metal containers, machinery and other accessories.
Metal atoms mutually donating and accepting or exchanging valence electrons are the fundamental modes of metal binding.
Metal components design and plastic component development experience, familiar knowledge about metal and plastic molding.
The application of metal ion injection technology for improving metal fatigue resistanceerosion resistance are discussed.
For example, it can effectively disperse the pasty metal pigment into powder coating, and get the metal effective surface.
Determination of nine metal impurity in the propellant of hydrazine compounds by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
Study on the Resistance of Juncus Effuses to Heavy Metal and Potential of Juncus Effuses for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil
Associate Professor of Sculpture and Contemporary Art. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department. Currently teaching Contemporary Metal Fabrication.
广州美术学院, 雕塑系教授, 当代铁艺。
And because the electrons in the metal phases can move freely among the atoms, the precious metal atoms entering into the metal phase can cause the system free energy decreased.

单词 metal 释义

  • 单词释义:金属;金属元素;成色;金色  [更多..]



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