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单词 persist with 例句大全,用单词persist with造句:

to persist with something
If you can persist with me, we are sure to win!
只要一样坚持, 我们一定能赢得胜利!
I am surprised they decided to persist with the action.
Those who persist with the present policies should step aside.
If everyone votes for him anyway, will he persist with his boycott ?
In the long term. Failure to persist with reform would also be a danger.
从长期看, 如果不能坚持改革, 也将十分危险。
But then why persist with the pretence particularly if it drains a companys efficiency
此种做法已是妨碍了公司效率, 又为什么要自欺欺人?
Some Party members don't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism.
有得党员就是不讲党性, 坚持搞派性。
Some party members don't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism.
有的党员就是不讲党性, 坚持搞派性。
Persist in Carrying out College and University United Front Work with Innovative Thinking
But then why persist with the pretence, particularly if it drains a company's efficiency?
Some matters had not explained eventually some stories are long with difficulty let the human persist.
We persist also in being sidelined by the idea of the expert as the only one capable of coming up with answers.
我们同样坚持 专家并非唯一 能够说出正确答案的人
I will persist with knowledge thAT each failure to sell will increase my chance for success AT the next ATtempt.
Persist in the Principle of Managing the Archives with the Law and Ensure the Healthy Development of the Archives Cause
Choked by grief Yet persist in the belief Your affection for me is my great relief Now craving for your hug drifting with autumn leaf.
It has given expression to our Party's tremendous courage to persist in making theoretical innovation and keeping pace with the times.
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