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单词 tower bridge 例句大全,用单词tower bridge造句:

We see Tower Bridge across the river.
There are rope bridges, arch bridges, tower bridges, cable bridges and reinforced concrete bridges.
Where are Big Ben and Tower Bridge
大笨钟和塔桥在 哪
Saw Big Ben and Tower Bridge.
It's famous for Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.
The first day, we visited Big Ben, River Thymes and Tower Bridge.
Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. There you can see Tower Bridge next to bridge.
在塔桥下船后, 你就能看到伦敦塔, 它就在塔桥旁边。
Tower Bridge the bridge that opens to let the tall ships through
就是一开一合, 能让大船通过的塔桥
Tower Bridge has a fascinating history, which is explored in detail for visitors Tower Bridge Exhibition.
This is Tower Bridge, the most striking of all London bridges.
这是塔桥, 是伦敦最有特色得大桥。
London is the most famous tower bridge over the Thames river, is also the most spectacular Bridges.
A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today.
Li You mean the old Tower Bridge that kept falling down
This famous fortress and prison is located on the River Thames, near the Tower Bridge.
这座著名的堡垒兼监狱位于泰晤士河畔, 邻近伦敦塔桥。
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