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单词 blue 例句大全,用单词blue造句:

There are many gradations in color between light blue and dark blue.
There are many gradations of colour between light blue and dark blue.
在浅蓝色和深蓝色之间, 仍有许多颜色层次。
It is blue in color, owing to the scattering of blue light by methane.
由于大气中的甲烷散射光线, 天王星发出蔚蓝的颜色。
The blue sky is mirrored in the blue sea, forming one integrated mass.
Love blue sea, love blue sky, love black earth, love God created nature.
Chin was dressed in a pale blue silk padded jacket and a dark blue skirt.
琴穿了一件淡青湖绉棉袄, 下面系着一条青裙。
Its colour is blue element iron, gem blue sapphire and direction is west.
蓝色, 铁, 蓝宝石, 西方是其象征。
Aquamarine color for the skyblue to blue or sea green with the blue beryl.
Blue Mountains Private Safaris Luxury Swag Camp, Blue Mountains, Australia
But this banner of the flag face today is not the light blue but dark blue.
Blue Mountains Private Safaris Luxury Swag Camp , Blue Mountains, Australia.
澳大利亚, 蓝山, 蓝山私人旅行豪华露营。
At night, the ship is covered in a deep blue light. The Blue Ghost lives on.
夜晚, 战舰掩遮在深蓝色的灯光中。蓝色幽灵活现了。
Blue is also a peaceful colour. The flag of the United Nations is light blue.
Her favorite color is blue, because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.
Inability to see the color blue or to distinguish the colors blue and yellow.
Let your blue mantle on the shore the blue water will cover you and hide you.
Blue eyes, or one blue eye with one gold eye, are possible in white coat cats.
蓝眼睛很普遍, 一蓝一金通常出现在白猫身上。
Tanzania stood staring up at the rock the sky, blue sky blue, such as washing.
Blue fluctuations in the blue mouse click, the more skills Blue greater power.
Within the blue hue, marine blue is highintensity and soft pastel blue is low.
在色调的蓝, 海洋蓝是高强度, 低柔和的蓝色。
The blue may be silver blue, pigeon blue or slate blue, the tan deep and rich.
The church stood out in silhouette against a blue sky. Does she have blue eyes?
Blue Whale my back was light blue, belly full of folds, with ocher color macula.
Unforgettable Ou Motuo rests the blue sky still is that deep blue and is limpid.
Steel Blue Alice Blue Slate Gray Light Slate Gray Dodger Blue Mineral Blue Azure

单词 blue 释义

  • 单词释义:(天)蓝色;蓝调音乐;忧郁  [更多..]



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