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单词 blubber 例句大全,用单词blubber造句:

Whale blubber is cheaper, at about nine dollars a kilo.
I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled.
我不生活在一个支柱或吃哭哭啼啼, 或拥有狗爬犁。
Frozen whale blubber is stored outside a house in Kaktovik.
A child your age shouldnt blubber over a lost toy like that!
It is for the valuable oil in blubber that whales are hunted.
Girl painful twist of the body, a wry face, not to blubber out.
Hollow hairs and a thick layer of blubber also keep out the cold.
Some of them were dolphin liver. Some of them were dolphin blubber.
Their skulls have adapted to a diet of mostly seal meat and blubber.
A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber.
一个水手带着工具, 去剥离这条巨大的鲸鱼的鲸脂。
When robert learned the bad news, he sat down and started to blubber.
The older bear devours his meal, licking the carcass clean of blubber.
Because whales have thick layers of fat called blubber under their skins.
因为鲸的皮肤下面有厚厚的脂肪, 叫做鲸脂。
It is now ready to be lowered through the deck into the blubber room below.
Now ! I am in process of blubber ! Ask for god , please let her come back !
现在我在哭泣, 请求上帝, 请让她回来吧!
The bolt, when shot into the whale, would excise a plug of skin and blubber.
This is the muktuk, or the blubber, all lined up for community distribution.
A white to brown oil obtained from whale blubber; formerly used as an illuminant.
The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.
Whales were important for their meat, and for their bones, and for their blubber.
They make its hide into clothing and its flesh into food.The blubber is user for fuel.
他们用鲸鱼皮做衣服, 用它的肉做食物, 用鲸脂作燃料。
They make its hide into clothing and its flesh into food. The blubber is used for fuel.
他们用鲸鱼皮做衣服, 用它的肉做食物, 用鲸脂做燃料。
In order to obtain blubber and whale meat, people who wantonly kill many types of whales.
为了获取鲸脂和鲸鱼肉, 人们曾经大肆捕杀许多种鲸鱼。
Robert is a real tub of blubber. A little more and he wont be able to get through the door.

单词 blubber 释义

  • 单词释义:鲸脂; 鲸油;啜泣;哽咽  [更多..]



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