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单词 board 例句大全,用单词board造句:

Both the Migration Board and the Aliens Appeals Board concluded that the complainant was not credible.
Asbestos board divided into asbestos insulation board, asbestos by rubber sheets, asbestos floor slab.
The desktop billboard consists of a panel, a top plate, a bottom plate, a bracing plate and a mark board.
We are carving wax master, to map from the board processing, and absolute confidentiality for your style.
The total number of coupons taken from a test board and tested to determine a property of that test board.
从试验板取得的样品的总数量, 测定试验板性能的样品。
So called moistureproof board just be opposite actually common in processing was done on density board just.
The effect, companies that make the shoes say, is similar to using a wobble board or balance board in a gym.
The plexiglass product usually may divide into pours the board, squeezes out the board and the mold plastic.
The DirectorGeneral of the Swedish Migration Board, Dan Eliasson, said the United States accepted about 80, 000.
Mainly introduces the concept of the board of supervisors and the board of supervisors system from theory basis.
Baoside cloth cover clean board, plasterboard, light steel joist, mineral wool board, and sound absorbing board.
The board of directors of the company may decide that a board member is to serve concurrently as the general manager.
Symmetric design of the mold and the upper and lower mold board, enabling combination of different molds on the board.
A Consideration of Workers in the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors Who Participate in Corporate Governance
职工董事, 监事进入公司治理结构的思考
The concurrent director of board is required to attend the board conference and employ his specialty to serve the company.
Piers and Bottom Board Temperature Control Design of Gate Piers and Bottom Board of Spillway Water Gates for Yanshan Reservoir
Base material of mesa of fire prevention board is density board, facing is fire prevention board, ply is 2 millimeter commonly.
The BAA Board, responsible for regular activities, is comprised of one President, two VicePresidents, and several Board members.
Receiving plate receives board and temporary stock stacking board, slotting jobs not necessary to interrupt or reduce the speed.
The Rules of the Board of English shall be executed and explained by the Board Mangers, and superintended by any member on the BBS.
and the back face of the floor board is provided with the peeled veneer which is connected with the floor board through an adhesive.
地板条的背面设置有旋切单板, 其与地板条胶粘连接。
Template A fictitious example development board. The source for the Template board can be used as a starting point for a port to a real system.
An on board bill of lading indicates that the goods have been actually loaded on board of the carrying vessel bound for the port of destination.
The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board.
Administrative organs in the Qing dynasty were the Six Boards: the Board of Civil Office, the Board of Revenue, the Board of Rites, the Board of War, the Board of Punishments, and the Board of Works.

单词 board 释义

  • 单词释义:(木)板;棋盘;董事会;(用于机构名称中)委员会;伙食  [更多..]



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