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单词 bmw 例句大全,用单词bmw造句:

Gain profit most Wang Mou, still purchased BMW car and entrance name watch.
These are a watch for a guy who loves BMW but may not be able to afford one.
BMW new Vision Efficient Dynamics concept car is unveiled for the first time.
Then BMW rider Fielder has surmounted the Maikailun rider by a quicker speed.
The BMW 3Series Security is fitted with an intercom system and an attack alarm.
Despite its success, however, BMW is still a much smaller company than its rivals.
然而, 宝马作为一家成功的车厂, 仍然比其竞争对手小很多。
That was until I approached this bunch of generous private owners on the BMW forum.
BMW Brilliance performs three production shifts per day to meet rising market demand
The deal was negotiated by a BMW dealer association that had been set up in November.
I told him his eyes were bigger than his stomach when he said he wanted to buy a new BMW.
我想他是眼睛比胃口大, 竟然想买一辆新的宝马。
The sales volume that increases quickly from the confirm on data the glamour of BMW brand.
The Specialized BMW Feather Deluxe is light as a feather, and comfortable as a feather bed.
When the police arrived at the scene, the man was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW.
A focus on technology is taken by Audi, BMW concentrates on performance, while Mercedes has gone for luxury.
奥迪关注技术, 宝马重视性能, 梅赛德斯则追求奢豪。
Various brands, such as BMW and Rover, may be respected outside their native lands, but be considered simply ' ordinary ' back home.
You Get What You Pay For Test drive a BMW or a Lexus. Now test drive a Chevy or Nissan. Notice any differences? Now you understand why better costs more.
Notable clients include Apple Computer, Abbott Labs, AudiVW, BMW, Boston Scientific, Clorox, Cisco Systems, Dell, Logitech, Medtronic, Motorola, Nissan, Nike, The North Face, and Palm Computing.

单词 bmw 释义

  • 单词释义:Bavarian Motor Works,德国宝马汽车公司  [更多..]



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