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单词 cider 例句大全,用单词cider造句:

Apple juice usually is pure juice, but apple cider usually add some carbonate inside.
前者是原汁, 后者加了气, 可是又不是汽水。
Vinegar is made from apple cider, malt, and wine, and is the product of fermentation.
醋由苹果酒, 芽酒和葡萄酒制成, 为发酵产品。
The heavy concentration of apple cider vinegar results to peeling off dead skin cells.
In Europe a large tonnage of apples is grown specifically for the manufacture of cider.
Add some cinnamon to hot apple cider to help improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
These compounds play important roles in the flavor, the color, and the quality of cider.
You can take apple cider vinegar for heartburn in a diluted form by mixing it with water.
Study on the conditions of protoplast formation and regeneration of high vigor cider yeast
Another nurse, Christi, had brought a bottle of sparkling apple cider for just this purpose.
What an ass that stranger seemed sitting there in the sunshine sucking cider through a straw!
如果你给他一杯冰凉的苹果汁, 他会想要一杯醋。
Scientists used UV processing on an apple cider sample that had been inoculated with bacteria.
The inspissation of cider is normally diploid taller than orange juice, can amount to 6 times.
通常苹果汁的浓缩倍数比桔汁更高, 可达6倍。
Apple cider vinegar is a terrific ingredient in foods, sauces, and dressings. It isn't medicine.
Study on the main problems and the corresponding control measures in cider fermentation and hoard
I have also been applying baking soda and apple cider vinegar to my face two or three times a week.
Study on the optimization of cider fermentation parameters and the construction of mathematical model
The optimum formula of active dried yeast protector for cider was systematically studied in this paper.
The results were as follows Adding cider could significantly improve the main esters of Fenflavor liquor.
It makes for pretty driving in the fall, as the maple foliage is fantastic. And lets not forget the apple cider.
秋季在外面驾车是非常棒的, 因为枫树叶特别的迷人的。
He makes cider, passed on from acquaintance to acquaintance, using a travelling press made for him by his father.
他用父亲为他做的便携榨汁机做苹果汁, 送给相识的人。

单词 cider 释义

  • 单词释义:<美>(用作饮料或制醋用的)苹果汁;<英>苹果酒  [更多..]



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