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单词 chrysanthemum 例句大全,用单词chrysanthemum造句:

Ask how long driving distance gets down Changsha Train station to have to the Chrysanthemum airport?
Is a unique gifting and elegant interior decorations. ? Plum Orchid Bamboo Chrysanthemum as a group.
Picking a chrysanthemum, carefree and leisurely see Nanshan. Hill gas show good, birds readers also.
They may add some chrysanthemum flowers to dried tea leaves and leave them to steep in the hot teapot.
According to time of flowering, chrysanthemum was divided into early and late flowering chrysanthemum.
Only along the cool of the Chrysanthemum Meiyan seems to remind you at the foot of the steps carefully.
Traditional 4 cut a flower to include Chinese rose greatly, chrysanthemum, carnation, tang Chang cattail.
传统的四大切花包括月季, 菊花, 康乃馨, 唐菖蒲。
The technology flow of the chrysanthemum beverage of hotfilled in PET is brief introduced in this article.
This article is mainly analyzed the nutrition of wild vegetables according to the orchis and chrysanthemum.
The characteristics of the beer were as follows pure and pleasurable taste and distinct chrysanthemum aroma.
I am the eyes of autumn, was not letting a hundred flowers bloom in spring are the decorative chrysanthemum.
Antioxidant activity of extracts from two species of yellow chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat in Kaifeng in vitro
Chrysanthemum indicum L. was used as the raw material to extract antioxidant materials by microwave technology.
以野菊花花蕾为材料, 研究其提取物的抗氧化活性。
The tissues cultures on stem apex bud and stem section with axillary bud of Taihang Chrysanthemum were studied.
Meanwhile, the chrysanthemum tea is rich in aroma and refreshing, which also helps to relax and relieve headache.
Detect of antisepsis ability of honeysuckle flower, ilex latifolia thunb, wild chrysanthemum flower and cassia seed
In the west wind blows, flowers wither, frosty filled with late autumn, chrysanthemum is still proudly in full bloom.
在这西风萧瑟, 百花凋谢, 寒霜弥漫的深秋, 菊花依然傲然怒放。
Mulberry leaf, chrysanthemum Xin Liang catharsis heat, helping cool the liver Wind, herbs, medicine for the minister.
chrysanthemum could be brewing, tea as a beverage, chrysanthemum seedlings can be used for cooking food and so on.
Chongyang, there has always been the custom tours chrysanthemum, the Chrysanthemum Festival, also known since ancient times.
Studies on Callus Induced from Leaves and Plantlets Regeneration of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Chrysanthemum morifolium
The Spanish people abstained from delivers the dahlia and the chrysanthemum, only has at the funeral only then delivers the chrysanthemum.
A study of Polyhydric Phenol in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat、 Flos Chrysanthemi Indici and Compound Medicines by Capillary Electrophoresis
This paper reviewed the use of chrysanthemum, introduced the preparation, property and application of fluid extracts of Hangzhou white chrysanthemum.
Chongyang Festival is a traditional festival in our country. Climbing hills to appreciate the chrysanthemum is one traditional custom during this festival.

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