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单词 carrion 例句大全,用单词carrion造句:

Especially in winter, ravens as scavengers, eating carrion, dead fish and garbage.
Doglike nocturnal mammal of Africa and southern Asia that feeds chiefly on carrion.
非洲和亚洲南部夜间活动象狗的哺乳动物, 主要食腐肉。
Carrion Crow presses its tail down and nods its head slowly and calls quite slowly.
It is carnivorous, and will hunt prey or eat carrion, and is the size of a small dog.
Fixed a problem that removed the Summoned state from Carrion Beetles when they burrow.
Sending my best regarding to bloody, goddamn capitalism. I am downfallen, carrion indeed.
New profile obtained. Validating profile. profile validated. Access to Carrion Device granted.
Carrion Feeder No longer causes extremely large amounts of threat when the pet gains happiness.
It was an omnivorous grazer, sweeping up drifting fish, jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants.
它是一种什么都吃的动物, 清扫漂浮的鱼, 水母, 腐肉和植物。
any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion.
Devils are known for their offensive odor, disturbing screeches and viciousness when they eat, mostly carrion.
Instead, the Carrion Centaur has unholy powers over the dead and is able to create Manikins by animating vines, roots and the bones of dead beasts.
它将可以通过驱动藤蔓, 树根以及动物的尸体创造出藤蔓人。

单词 carrion 释义

  • 单词释义:动物尸体的腐肉;污秽的东西  [更多..]



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