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单词 endocrine 例句大全,用单词endocrine造句:

The cells may be arranged in nests or cords and endocrine tumors also have prominent vascularity.
Changes in Pancreatic Endocrine and Exocrine Function in Patients Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Participants The Chair was selected by the Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee of The Endocrine Society.
Advance on the Research of Endocrine Infiltrative Exophthalmos Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine
Objective The aim was to formulate practice guidelines for endocrine treatment of transsexual persons.
Objective Our aim is to study the clinical manifestation and endocrine disorder of the bulimia nervosa.
Orexin is a new neuropeptide related to diet intake and regulation of endocrine and metabolic functions.
CONCLUSION The presence of endocrine cells in endometrioid adenocarcinoma showed heterogeneity of tumors.
Effects of Colostrum on the Gastrointestinal Tract, Endocrine and Metabolic Parameters in Neonatal Calves
初乳对犊牛胃肠道, 内分泌和代谢的影响
How much should the normal value with exsanguinate endocrine examination be When to check more appropriate
Diet supplemented with ipriflavone affects the growth and related endocrine secretion in castrated piglets
This review overviewed the endocrine therapy for breast cancer, and mainly introduced its recent advancement.
It is best to take the endocrine formula at the same time for serious situation of different endocrine organ.
Endocrine and cystic neoplasms of the pancreas have much better survival rates than pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Electron microscopic observation of endocrine cells in the antrum in response to Helicobacter pylori infection
Sweet atmosphere oil has a lot of effect such as endocrine of antiseptic, antiphlogistic, balance, rejuvenesce.
香氛油具有杀菌, 消炎, 平衡内分泌, 细胞再生等诸多功效。
Effects of Lilopristone on Endocrine Functions of Human Chorionic Tissues and Decidual Cells in Early Pregnancy
Objective To explore the potential health and ecological effect of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals.
They found that something released by algae, other than microcystins, had an endocrine disrupting effect on the fish.
他们发现, 藻华产生的某种物质对鱼的内分泌有影响。
These irradiations may cause an agitating mood, the endocrine disorder, which makes human body system out of balance.
这些射线会使人的心情烦躁, 内分泌紊乱, 各种功能失调, 退。
Electrochemistry glow appearance is to be used at detecting the medical instrument of hormone of human body endocrine.
The secretions of the anterior pituitary gland control the activities of the adrenal cortex and other endocrine organs.
So I ordered conventional hematologic exam hematologic chemical and endocrine exams Xray films of the chest and electrocardiogram.
Rrosemary, lemon grass, European verbena and rose can adjust liver function, help elimination of toxicant for endocrine and ease urination.
调节肝功能及内分泌排毒, 利尿。
The conditions were familial adenomatous polyposis, myotonic dystrophy, multiple endocrine neoplasia, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy.

单词 endocrine 释义



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