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单词 cad 例句大全,用单词cad造句:

Studies and Application on the CAD System of Gating and Risering Design for Ductile Iron Castings
HotlineCAD studio Provide Pattern Service, CAD File Conversion, CAD File print and other services.
Design and Calculation of Planetary Gear Drive of the Few Difference in Number of Teeth and the CAD
Set up the standard about product display and maintenance in store. Set up Auto CAD and Sketch Up sample system.
CAD The Generating Function of Three Types of Intersection Lines Between a Column and a Ring and CAD of Sheet Metal
AutoCAD, Solidworks, Unigraphics. Good command in using CAD software like AutoCAD, Solidworks, Unigraphics Self motivated individual, proactive and aggressive, teamwork, eager to learn.
能够自我激励, 工作积极主动, 好学。

单词 cad 释义

  • 单词释义:n.(尤指对女性)卑鄙的男人,下流人,无赖;Computer Aided Design,计算机辅助设计  [更多..]



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