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单词 cachet 例句大全,用单词cachet造句:

This Spectacular Cachet Woods Executive Home Is Upgraded To Perfection.
豪华装修, 全屋实木地板, 后院深游泳池。
In a number of countries engineering does not carry much cultural cachet.
在一些国家, 工程学并不具备太多文化层面的威望。
Want the look of a digital watch with the cachet of a classical timepiece?
a special postmark and a cachet will be introduced to commemorate the event
Many could be attracted to the cachet of the Goldman name, said one executive.
一名高管说, 许多人会被高盛的声望所吸引。
a special postmark and cachet will also be introduced to commemorate the event
You take a stupid gesture out of the realm of mockery and you give it illicit cachet.
He successfully appealed his death sentence in 1778 but remained imprisoned under the lettre de cachet.
他在巴士底狱内可以随便借书, 买书和读书。
Vintage Old BW Postcard. Tokio. Buddhist Temple of Sengakuji, Trees, Clock Tower. With commemorative cachet.

单词 cachet 释义

  • 单词释义:特征;威信;(显示优越的)标志;扁囊药剂  [更多..]



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