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单词 dazzle 例句大全,用单词dazzle造句:

May God grant you the gift of a daughter who truly love her mother. Rather then dazzle her with secret indifference.
The intelligence is a precious stone, if trim border with the condescension, would be more brilliant to dazzle the eyes.
Eye of dazzle of metallic lubricious colour, glossiness is very good, but be lived not quite easily to accept daily.
Although this kind of site design is dazzle colour and dazzling, but unfortunately baidu search engine can not identify.
You can make major gains professionally by completing projects on time.Your ability to do detailed work will dazzle those who are less creative.
And everywhere, an everchanging dazzle of colour, pattern, and movement animals anchored to the rocks beneath them create fantastic underwater gardens.
在珊瑚礁上栖息着的各种动物, 构成了奇特的水下花园。

单词 dazzle 释义

  • 单词释义:使目眩;使惊异不已  [更多..]



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