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单词 daze 例句大全,用单词daze造句:

Xun stared at Beibei in a daze and suddenly grasped something.
熏怔怔看着贝贝, 忽然领悟到了什么。
As for him, he was going through the whole transaction in a daze.
至于菲尔莫, 他昏昏沉沉办完了全部手续。
I'm in a daze and some days still can't believe my great fortune.
great changes during the span of twenty years will daze everyone.
Watching the TV, constantly in a daze, drunk by seven glasses.
The sound of light rapping on the door pulled him out of his daze.
A person is in a daze, a boring, boring person because of a trance.
一个人发呆, 一个人无聊, 一个人因为无聊而发呆。
i stand by u silently to protect u all the time, in a daze blankly.
我一直静静的守护在你身边, 傻傻的发呆。
Mr. McKee awoke from his doze and started in a daze toward the door.
麦基先生打盹醒了, 懵懵懂懂地朝门口走。
with a long time of thought and daze, I finally found my own goals.
Treats the computer to be in a daze thought you thought soon is insane.
Is in a daze is the most dangerous masochism lonely is worst hell Gu Ye!
Still occasionally a daze looking at your photos, lists, one with a giggle.
When Jim still was in a daze, that wizard started to learn his incantation.
Loves a person, when you remember her, you can treat the sky to bein a daze.
When I arrived at the hospital, I found Doctor Liu staring at an email a daze.
到了医院, 我发现刘医生在对一封电子邮件发呆。
Pathfinding Same as current, but also reduces the duration of daze by 1 second.
Vintage Our Gang Comedy Short Dog Daze and Classic MGM Cartoon Jitterbug Follies
Too many Consultative Conference daze, confused, especially on new entrants.
Little wonder so many young people in Greece seem to be walking around in a daze.
She was wandering around in a daze after she got the highest mark in the university.
Not daring to rub himself, he lay there in a daze, huge drops of sweat running off his brow.
他几乎不敢去摸自己, 心中空空的, 头上流下大汗珠来。
Maggie's head was spinning in a daze of ultramarine blue far removed from Catholicism or Polynesia.
I spent the rest of the afternoon in a daze that barely diminished over the remaining three weeks of summer.
I accustom myself to be in a daze in the shadow on the daytime, look the glittery neon light in the street in the evening.

单词 daze 释义

  • 单词释义:恍惚;迷乱;茫然  [更多..]



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