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单词 dealing 例句大全,用单词dealing造句:

When dealing with teenager issues, parents need to be careful not make much ado about nothing.
在处理青少年问题时, 父母亲要小心不要无事自扰。
Acupuncture treatment of Rabbit Fracture and Theory of Treating Fracture by dealing with Blood.
Discussion on the Administrative Cost in the Investigation and Dealing with the an Illegal Case
The major legislation dealing with air pollution is the Air Pollution Control Ordinance Cap 311.
As the firm is inexperienced in business, we advise you to excise extreme caution in your dealing.
该行缺乏贸易经验, 我们建议你们在业务来往中谨慎对待。
The branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy.
Politicians and diplomats frequently exhibit these characteristics when dealing with foreign affairs.
Some essential problems dealing with in the process of aircraft radome design are analyzed in detail.
Dealing with subsidized services, rebates and quality adjustment are some of the issues to be covered.
I worry about my fingers, and, of course, there would be the aftermath of dealing with the dead mouse.
The Alteration of the Hydraulic System for Dealing With Polluted Water in Puddling Iron Factory JiGang
Mr. Suarez Thank you, mi amor. Youre so much better at dealing with this bureaucratic stuff than I am.
It is a worker after dealing with emeritus formalities, plan hair is basic the main basis of annuities.
Animation production for film and television work expenses shall be those dealing with advertising expenses.
Design dealing with oiliness liquid in kitchen by combining deposition in the inclined pipe with concrete airflow
Today, however, additional dealing with harmonics are necessary due to the influence of the following developments
Proper definition of group action and incident should become the premise of dealing with mass action in our country.
A branch of knowledge dealing with the history and description in proper terms of armorial bearings and their accessories.
A shop dealing with customers courteously does a Booming Business, while a man without a smiling face should not open a shop.
礼貌待客生意好, 人无笑脸休开店。
When dealing with the emergencies, it is necessary for administrative institutions to exercise administrative emergent power.
在应对紧急状态时, 必然要运用行政紧急权力。
This kind of method is permissible in dealing with the enemy, but absolutely impermissible in dealing with comrades or friends.
For Jeremy Spake, used to dealing with all the breakdowns that, can occur at airports, there's no problem which can not be sorted out.
A Study of the Administrative Policy on Trade Dealing in Overseas Chinese Remittances and Letters in Guangdong in the Early Days of New China
In addition to the concern of becoming obsolete, the Chambre Syndicale is dealing with the idea of exclusively - some feel too much, some feel not enough.
Many, if not most, people find computers difficult to use, and sometimes theyre unreliable.Being a sysadmin doesnt absolve someone of dealing with unreliable computers.
很多的人会发现使用电脑很困难, 有时不可靠。

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