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单词 deathbed 例句大全,用单词deathbed造句:

And I couldnt get Daddy and his confident deathbed prediction that I would win out of my mind.
我始终想着老爸在临终前确信的预言, 他说我会胜出。
She was shattered when she heard about the scandal of illegitimacy from Engels on his deathbed.
While he lay on his deathbed, he told his lawyer that he wanted to give all his money to charity.
他临死之时告诉律师, 他想把钱都捐给慈善机构。
You mean the one that my grandmother made me swear on her deathbed that I would never let out of our family
The blithe swallows are flown, and the lizards each gone And the earths a deathbed, in a shroud of leaves dead.
So the religious practice on the deathbed person and after the death is based on the theory of the religious life.
It is said that as Beethoven lay unconscious on his deathbed, on March 26, 1827, there was a loud clap of thunder.
In the end - of - term exam, the question'Did Mozart on his deathbed dictate the Requiem to Salieri?'was answered'yes'by three - quarters of them.
Being seen off is like a man on his deathbed having filial sons and grandsons around to escort him to his grave.At death he can close his eyes in peace.
有人送别, 仿佛临死的人有孝子顺孙送终, 死也安心闭眼。

单词 deathbed 释义

  • 单词释义:n.临死所卧之床,临终之时  [更多..]



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