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单词 deadly 例句大全,用单词deadly造句:

Osama bin Laden has no interest in deterrence or other forms of deadly bargaining.
Massive technological advance, took an incredibly deadly disease, made it solvable.
这是巨大的技术进步 让致命的疾病变得可治愈
That's the sound of genetic mutations of the avian flu becoming a deadly human flu.
这是禽流感 基因变异 变成对人类致命的流感的声音。
We should never forget that it is in Africa that the most deadly conflicts continue.
我们决不会忘记正是在非洲, 多数致命的冲突在继续。
The primary weapon of both the gauth and the beholder is a series of deadly eye rays.
Ultralisks are extremely strong and deadly. A good counter are archons or siege tanks.
雷兽很强, 对抗执政官和坦克很好用。
The invertebrate gelatinous form was capable of emitting a deadly bioelectrical charge.
Though Fett had proven himself deadly against other Jedi, he was no match against Windu.
This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour.
This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour.
This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour.
From India to Pakistan, people speak out in the aftermath of the deadly terrorist attacks.
从印度到巴基斯坦, 人们谈论着致命的孟买恐怖主义袭击。
His waiting jungle, full of deadly traps, thesavage aborigines, and motor vehicle homicide!
游戏中, 你将遇到各种陷阱, 野蛮人和机关敌人阻碍你。
Sleeping sickness is a deadly disease that infects about 60, 000 people in Africa each year.
昏睡病是种致命得疾病, 在非洲每年约有6万人受到感染。
A supermassive black hole blasting is destroying everything path with a deadly beam of energy.
He was the suspected mastermind of the deadly Bali bombings which took place on 12 October 2002.
I don't carry grudges, ambition, vanity, none of the deadly sins that are not even worth the trouble.
我不再有恩怨,野心,虚荣 七宗罪甚至都不是事
However, is this a reprise of their last adventure, with more deadly elements and brain wrecking puzzles
然而, 这是重复在过去的冒险, 更致命的要素和人脑难题?
The Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in a mining village and are soon facing a deadly danger from a bygone age.
I will afflict them with famine, deadly diseases and pestilence. I will send them wild beasts and venomous snakes.
If we were bent on fighting on interior lines for the sake of convenience, we would fall into the enemy's deadly trap.
如果我们只想在内线作战要舒服一些, 就中了敌人的毒计。
The rise of AIDS and other deadly diseases along with armed conflicts and social tension make treating leprosy in Africa difficult.
The traffic was aggressive and choked, the pedestrian crossings deadly, the buses overcrowded, the train stations scruffy and underfunded.
交通混乱拥堵, 行人毫无忌惮, 公车拥挤不堪, 火车站肮脏寒碜。
You have been leading a promiscuous life for all those years, have you ever caught the deadly disease AIDS or is your HIV test positive? ' I asked with concern.
The young woman grew deadly pale, and cast an apprehensive glance upon Maitre Pierre, in whom the bravado of the young gallant seemed only to excite laughter, more scornful than applausive.

单词 deadly 释义

  • 单词释义:致死的;阴险毒辣的;(贬)极其;破坏性的;枯燥的;极难防御的  [更多..]



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