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单词 dead 例句大全,用单词dead造句:

William is dead. That sweet child who and gentle is dead. Victor, he was murdered!
威廉不在了。那个可爱的孩子死了。维克多, 他是被谋杀的!
that there were no survivors inside the car, that the driver's dead, that I'm dead.
车内没有幸存者 司机死了,我也是
He said abandonment of dead babies was a holdover from days of high infant mortality.
他说, 死婴被弃是婴儿死亡率较高时期的遗留。
Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass. Plants often die down in winter.
Aaron Brooks was the team leader, his predecessor having dropped dead two months earlier.
阿隆布鲁克斯是研究组长, 他的前任两个月前去世了。
The dead were placed in a cave cut out of a rock it had shelves to lay out the dead on them.
In mythic legends, the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos.
In mythic legends,the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos .
Activated dead bone, dead space, repair damaged bone tissue, so that the new bone regeneration.
If you do that tomorrow, I'll be dead, you'll be dead, every single one of the men will be dead.
明天你要这么干,我们都死定了 每个人都死定了
Eastern brocade also just freely on mentioning, you another why the absence for hasty quest dead!
The technology of casing well sidetracking is an effective way to restore dead well and abandoned well.
After the purchase of an insurance policy under the Absolute Assignment, Liew was found dead in his house.
The mechanical equilibrium equations of sucker rod at top dead point and bottom dead point are established.
for the production of top grade dead burned magnesia , dead burned dolomite , bauxite , alumina and spinels.
和生产高等级僵烧镁氧, 僵烧白云石, 矾土和尖晶石的。
You are flogging a dead horse trying to persuade him to accept the new conceptshe is absolutely an old fossil.
Upon invitation from relatives of the dead, the celestial burial master goes to investigate how the dead died.
Where was the dead body found? Who found the dead body? Was the dead body dead when found? How was the dead body found?
Today Memorial Day commemorates military dead, familial dead, and ancestral dead through parades, grave side decorations
现在, 这个纪念日是通过游行, 装饰墓碑
If you had the naggingfeeling that it was illegal to drag a dead horse down a street in Toronto, you'd be absolutely right.
Lie below the bed, feel the somebody on the bed again, so remittent, afflict the person dead really!Afflict the person dead really!!
Was the body dead when abandoned? Was the body abandoned? By whom had it been abandoned? Was the dead body naked or dressed for a journey?
There will be a countless number of Assyrian casualties, dead bodies without count. People are stumbling over dead people all over the city.
将会有数不清的伤亡人数, 人们都只能在死人堆里行走。
Instead, the Carrion Centaur has unholy powers over the dead and is able to create Manikins by animating vines, roots and the bones of dead beasts.
它将可以通过驱动藤蔓, 树根以及动物的尸体创造出藤蔓人。

单词 dead 释义

  • 单词释义:死去的;完全的;无感觉的;呆板的  [更多..]



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