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单词 aconitum 例句大全,用单词aconitum造句:

Comparison of Different Extraction Methods of Aconitum Alkaloids from Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii.
Experiment on Bionic Cultivation of Aconitum episcopale,Scutellria amoena,Paris polyphlla,Codonopsis pilosula
the genus aconitum l. , containing plenty of species , is one of the very important medicinal plants in china.
乌头属植物物种极为丰富, 是我国重要的药用植物之一。
ObjectiveTo study the effects of plant hormones on the determination of polysaccharide of Aconitum carmichaili.
The Influence of Time of Soaking and Manner of Heating on the Quality of the Aconitum Carmichaeli Decoction Slices
浸泡时间, 加热方式对川乌饮片质量的影响
This paper presents a study on the formation of prepared daughter root of common monkshood as a guideline for the identification of aconitum.

单词 aconitum 释义



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