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单词 acrobatics 例句大全,用单词acrobatics造句:

There were all sorts of acrobatics and performances, with music and dance all along the fixed route.
百戏杂陈, 歌舞载道
Singing and dancing, acrobatics and stunt, opusculum and comic dialogue, the lineup of star is strongly.
I thought that, I all such big, but also accompanies you to play these children's acrobatics, is really insipid.
At the end were acrobatics and dancers who performed swallowing knives, spitting fire, climbing the flag polls, walking on tight ropes.
后随百戏舞队, 吞刀吐火, 缘幢走索

单词 acrobatics 释义

  • 单词释义:杂技;杂技艺术;特技飞行;巧妙手法  [更多..]



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