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单词 close to home 例句大全,用单词close to home造句:

The police began to close in on the home of the suspect.
Mrs Hill is not at home to anyone except close relatives.
希尔夫人不会客, 但近亲除外。
But at Stoke, the commentary box is very close to the home fans.
When Paul made fun of John's appearance, he struck close to home.
Someone to carry me home, to forests where I do belong, close my eyes, little bit scared And no one to care
Ron Paul said he was not philosophically opposed to centralized authority, as long as it existed close to home, or within it.
A large growth in home births in the West has also seen the return to babies being born in the home bedroom, close to father and other members of the immediate family.
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单词 close to home 释义

  • 单词释义:触到痛处,说得太露骨  [更多..]



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