I had determined at one time that the memory of these evils should die with me.
我曾横下心, 要让记忆中的那些痛苦往事, 随我一起埋葬入土。
If you got a library card, how many books are you allowed to borrow at one time?
若有借书证的话, 一次最多可以借几本书?
The number of fish, game birds, or other animals killed or captured at one time.
Part of a meal served at one time. There's sure to be some sort of dinner going.
At one time most women made their own clothes, buying the cloth in small stores.
At one time it was thought that all atoms of the same element were exactly alike.
According to USGA rules, you can carry fourteen golf clubs in your bag at one time.
Since the goods we ordered are seasonal, you'd better deliver them all at one time.
Nursing of the patients with bilateral artificial coxa joint replacement at one time
ENTER BUG Stopped cheat that allowed multiple feeder clubs to be gained at one time.
If all the older workers leave at one time, there will be a period of discontinuity.
如果所有的老工人一下子离开, 就会有一段青黄不接期。
At one time another, in one place another, some of these indictments have been valid.
At one time or another, anybody who passes through Times Square sees the Naked Cowboy.
Determination of two components in ginseng and monkshood parenteral solution at one time
The basin is simply large enough for several people to bathe at one time and swim around.
It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time.
Set the maximum number of concurrent requests the database server can handle at one time.
The city at one time must have been prosperous, for It enjoyed a high level of civilization.
这座古城在一个时期准是很繁荣的, 因为它曾享有高度文明。
For verified Personal Starter accounts, you can send an unlimited amount of money at one time.
对于已认证个人初级帐户, 你可以一次性无限额发款。
At one time the plains and mountains of Lebanon were densely covered with majestic cedar trees.
The view point of this article is unique, and its description is direct and penetrating at one time.
Of course, at one time or another, all of the aforementioned have been played out in complete reversal.
At one time administrative inspections were considered exempt from the constitutional warrant requirement.
There are three quay cranes loading at one time for the vessel and it may take 6 hours to finish the cargo loading.
现在有三部桥机在同时作业, 预计还需要6个小时左右。
I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the Brahmin village Ekanaliya in the southern hills of Magadha.
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