She was tired of analysis and subtlety and all the accessories of a decadent civilization.
Arcane Focus and Subtlety should affect all spell schools instead of just the Arcane tree.
The subtlety and strength of consciousness of a person stands in relation to this ability to communicate.
Wenger Subtlety can find the right balance Get the balance of your team right and the results usually follow.
正确保持球队的平衡, 好成绩就会接踵而来。
Designing for flow requires an enlargement of empathy and a deepening of emotional and intellectual subtlety.
Reading can acquaint you, that means to make you understand, to make you familiar with the subtlety and beauty of the language.
阅读可以使你领略到语言的美, 并且沉醉其中。
He placed his whole ambition in those speculations in whose beauty and subtlety there in no admixture of the common needs for life.