He had a full set of clubs, namely a driver, a long spoon and a mid-spoon.
Then youll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
Spoon the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing over the top with a spatula.
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked in his life.
衔着银勺子出生得人, 富家子弟。
Avoid storing near a dishwasher or sink. Remove from container with a dry spoon.
远离洗碗机或者水池, 用干的勺子拿取香料
Do not use any tools tea spoon or tea bag squeeze, in order to avoid astringency.
Remember to put out the flame with a metal spoon or blow it out before consuming.
在喝之前, 记得用一只金属勺将它熄灭。
Mother adds a spoon of baking-powder in the flour, and then begins to churn it up.
over saucepan, strain berries, through a fine sieve, pressing with back of a spoon.
在平底锅, 应变浆果, 通过细筛, 按同一个勺子回来。
When oysters are served as appetizer, set the oyster fork to the right of the spoon.
All of us have given away or will give away our earthly goods, down to the last spoon.
In the picture scroll all results are lightened, is exchangeable spoon of the amethyst.
Use your spoon to gently break the crust of the surface, allowing the aromas to escape.
用你的小勺轻轻拨开表层, 让咖啡的香味溢出。
The stranger's conduct was that of a man who had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Youre to spoon the tomatoes into the jars, Mary, and Jack is to spoon out bowls of porridge.
The bevel principium of putting the spoon enable consumer not to moisten the flavoring easily.
Spoon A woman was brought into a hospital for swallowing coins, a spoon, and a 9 volt battery.
一名女士因为吞食了硬币, 勺子和9伏的电池而进了医院。
The specially designed2 tsp. spoon is calibrated to deliver an accurate dose of medication every time.
After banana flay pound, roller oily agitate of Lan of half spoon Han bars even, besmear is on the face.
香蕉去皮捣烂后, 辊半匙撖榄油搅拦均匀, 涂在脸上。
In the earlier days of my arrival, I use to put a spoon in my purse, whenever we used to go out to dine.
Just pick up a tray, put a knife, a fork, a spoon and a paper napkin on it, and then start down the line.
Ron scowled at both his parents, then picked up his spoon and attacked the last few mouthfuls of his apple tart.
Add the apple and apricot. Stir until coated. Dig a hole in the centre of the flour mixture with the mixing spoon.
Cauline upside leaf is lesser into wrap around needle form, close basilar the leaf is largish, into wide spoon form, foliaceous each other is unripe.
茎上部叶较小成披针形, 近基部的叶稍大, 成广匙形, 叶互生。
Dissolve when chorion in acetic fluid later, take mix into of solution of one small spoon to enter a cup of boiled water, agitate hind is taken, everyday a cup.