Glyph of Swipe Your Swipe ability now hits 1 additional target.
Tap to pause, swipe left to rewind, swipe right to fastforward.
A swipe of a tigers paw is powerful enough to smash a cows skull.
Checkout Please swipe your card, with the backside on the surface.
我正面朝上刷了半天, 没有成功。
When the customer leaves the store, he must swipe his card to exit.
Well, then, let's go to the blood bank and swipe some sugar cookies.
那就走吧 去血库那边扫荡点甜曲奇吧。
You swipe up and down to scroll lists of, say, tracks or artists.
You will pay 4200 RMB as deposit and you can swipe card in the hotel.
Either swallow that or swipe your metro card back home. Its up to you.
要么喝酒, 要么坐地铁滚回去, 随你便。
Feel free to work with other devices with just a swipe of your finger.
只需动动手指, 就能轻松操作其他设备。
Swipe a card, or drop coins, or get out of here. Heres nothing to look.
要么刷卡, 要么投币, 要么滚蛋, 看个球啊。
It also helps to curl your lashes and swipe on an extra coat of mascara.
Where the beams have been tapered, each swipe of the plane is continuous.
在房梁变细的末梢, 每片屋顶都是连在一起的。
You stay alert knowing that she will reappear to take another swipe at you.
Swipe your MetroCard, turn the turnstile and enter through the service gate.
One misjudged swipe of that left foot was to have longlasting repercussions.
Yeah Well, then maybe I should swipe some of my dads Viagra or my moms Paxil.
We don't think too many druids are having trouble using Swipe in its new form.
An associated shift is a change in the direction the text moves when you swipe.
May I get you to sign the touch screen pad to authorize the swipe of your card.
He lunged forward and with an almost casual swipe severed the vibroblade in two.
他猛冲向前, 一剑斩断震动刀。
Go back to the base of the nail and swipe the polish along the curve of the nail.
再将刷子回到指缘内侧, 沿着指甲的弧线刷指甲油。
It is silly of him to take a wild swipe at the ball and sky it miles over the bar.
他真傻, 猛踢足球, 把它高高地踢过了球门。
There's something wrong with the swipe machine, so you would better pay with cash.
Mrs. Clinton criticized the health care flier, taking a strong swipe at Mr. Obama.