The elementary or nuclear family normally comprises of a husband and wife and their unmarried children.
At this time, Seattle was a gathering place for many unmarried men traveling to the American frontier.
Bridesmaids? The bridesmaid will a young unmarried woman who will attend to the bride during the wedding.
女傧相 女傧相是在婚礼过程中照顾新娘的未婚年轻女子。
No one paid her any attention and she was the only young unmarried woman present who did not have a beau.
The unmarried or married women who haven't bear children may have a higher chance of suffering from breast cancer.
Certainly the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men.
Friends and relatives exchange visits and gifts while children and unmarried adults receive lai see, or lucky money.
亲友会互相贺年送礼, 派发红封包给小孩和未婚的成年人。
The fourth section gives specific rules and designs for the construction of a legal system for unmarried cohabitation.
第四部分, 构建我国非婚同居法律制度的具体规则设计。
But and if she depart , let her remain unmarried , or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife.
But I knew that I was concerned and even wanted, on behalf of unmarried girls in Singapore, to protest against the misconception about them.
I never see my biological dad, ' says the unmarried O'Neal, who has two children of his own, Taahirah, and Shareef, who live with their mothers.