Your uterus is also pressing on your bladder again, causing you to feel the need to urinate a lot more often.
Your PC muscle is the muscle you flex when you urinate. When you flex it purposely you are performing Kegel exercises.
Methods 19 cases of patients with haematuria, urinate pain, dysuria and penis scleroma were undergone sonourethrography.
He was also subjected to electric shocks by being forced to urinate in hot water into which electric cables had been plunged.
The general condition is down,and take to lie on the back after the pregnant woman urinate,and then sweep to check in the belly.
一般情况下 孕妇排尿后取仰卧位 在腹部扫查。
The urge to urinate frequently, a weak urine flow, breaks in urine stream, and dribbling are all symptoms of an enlarged prostate.