Each of my credit cards rewards me in a very useful way.
Each, in his own way, sits quietly considering mortality.
Write each of the following sentences in a different way.
The meetings were a way to get acquainted with each other.
You two are gonna have to find a way to deal with each other.
New swallows fly among the beams, each on its thoughtless way.
You will arrive at each stage of enlightenment in your own way.
They go out of their way to calm each other's irrational fears.
为了安抚对方不理智的恐惧 而不惜一切代价。
They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me.
Each of them went his own way and seldom agreed with one another.
They were very frank and candid with each other in a relaxed way.
他们相互十分坦率, 而且直言不讳, 但气氛却十分轻松。
a general rush into action, with each department going its own way
一哄而起, 各行其事
Each in her own way so brave so determined, and so very desperate.
她们都以自己的方式活着, 那么勇敢, 那么果断, 充满着渴望。
First, each of you should resolve to correct your way of thinking.
This is the best way to follow a request through each of its stages.
When two cars pass each other, both drivers should politely give way.
Ada Well maybe we would if we knew each other. By the way, who are you
埃达也许是吧, 如果我们认识对方的话, 请问你贵姓大名呀
The two antagonists squared up to each other in a most determined way.
两个敌手摆好架势, 看来非大打出手不可了。
It's a friendly way that people in the United States greet each other.
If we love each other with such hurtful way. well then I accompany you.
Thinking of the way we knew each other, it was literally a coincidence.
He led the way back to the booth where they sat down, facing each other.
Except for arrays, each member is assigned in the usual way for its type.
It is the most convenient way to ensure that you stay licenced each year.
There is love, to be sure, but we have a way of disappointing each other.
我们爱对方,这是肯定的 但又总让对方失望。
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