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单词 crisis management 例句大全,用单词crisis management造句:

It was pointless and would have been cruel to engage in a debate on the nuances of crisis management.
在处理危机的细节问题上辩论是没有意义的, 甚至是残酷的。
We support the emphasis on strengthening national civilian crisis management instruments and capabilities.
Conducting investigations on security incidents, assisting in the coordination of crisis management program.
In this paper, the perspective of mass communication study to analyze the corporate media in crisis management.
From the perspective of abroad, learn from the prevention and management experience from foreign local public crisis.
Study on the Countermeasure of Chinese Government towards Global Economic Crisis in Perspective of Knowledge Management.
The governmental capacity of crisis management is a comprehensive inspection of governmental management capability and effectiveness.
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单词 crisis management 释义

  • 单词释义:处理[应付]危急的办法  [更多..]



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