It seems to me Annette said something like this Begin with a proper sketch book.
Before I actually begin the meat of my talk, let's begin with a bit of baseball.
To begin with, it was an anecdote he shared only with friends or new acquaintances.
Symptoms usually begin with a high fever, lethargy, depression, and loss of appetite.
You could begin with the one that we began with a couple of days ago, which was fear.
However, the formal data warehouse design should begin with data warehouse architecture.
Begin with a scenic airplane tour over beautiful Lake Mead and the incredible Hoover Dam.
When you write a sentence, you must begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop.
当你写一个句子时, 句首字母须大写, 句末应有句号。
To begin with, dampen the face brush with a little water and dip into the Ayurvedic clay.
So to begin with, the Bible says that Goliath is led onto the valley floor by an attendant.
首先,圣经说哥利亚 是被一个侍从带到山谷底下的
Acidic eruption cycles generally begin with explosive facies and end with extrusive facies.
No more words, let's begin with how his experience of growing up has influenced his thoughts.
Dont apologize for what you are about to say. Begin with a bang and get straight to the point.
We're starting with something that's had a lot of stresses and a lot of problems to begin with.
我们对海洋造成了很大的压力 制造了很多麻烦。
The Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle. Straight lines stems from this principle.
To begin with, the discharge characteristics in EDM Milling with wire electrode have been analyzed.
You should invite your closest friends to begin with, and then see if there's room for anybody else.
Reforms usually begin with extra indexation and more frequent adjustment of controlled interest rates.
We must begin with a candid admission that the rising tide of the Reagan economy has not lifted every boat.
我们首先必须坦白承认, 里根经济的涨潮并未浮起每一只船。
To begin with, we may say that the antiJapanese war is at once a war of attrition and a war of annihilation.
我们首先可以说, 抗日战争是消耗战, 同时又是歼灭战。
To begin with, the government made up its mind to excise the financial institutions of poor asset conditions.
首先, 政府痛下决心割除资产状况不良的金融机构。
The publication become fortnightly,instead of weekly,begin with the first issue in may,19,bearing the date,may 13,19.
In our effort to develop democracy in the three main areas,we should begin with the companies and with the Party committees at various levels.
Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men passes through a way, a road is made.
Among a host of animals, why are only human beings reasonable? Because human beings have a treasure that other animals do not have, which is called sympathy. Sympathy is to make allowances for others with one's own heart. All mortals and civilization in the world begin with this.
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