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单词 sleet 例句大全,用单词sleet造句:

In the drive of the wind and sleet they pushed in on one another.
Chill December brings the sleet, Blazing fire and Christmas treat.
A low, gray, often dark cloud that precipitates rain, snow, or sleet.
雨层云一种呈深灰色的低云层, 预示有雨, 雪或冻雨
He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore figs with sleet.
A cloudy start with rain or sleet in places and some wet snow over hills.
I'm concerned for when it starts to sleet and snow, I think it will HURT!
我在想, 要是下雨夹雪或者雪的话, 迎面打在脸上一定很疼!
It's ugly, wet, and cold with sleet and rain all piled on top of each other.
From then on, regardless of how wind and frost sleet, may I all not be afraid.
He is also chief member of arm for joining the southern extreme sleet disaster.
Snow fell all night on the mountain. There was a great deal of sleet last night.
A small number of antiprotons constantly sleet down from space among cosmic rays.
Meteorology To cause to condense and fall from the air as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
From the atmosphere, water molecules fall upon the Earth's surface as rain, snow, hail and sleet.
Snow, sleet and freezing rain caused treacherous driving conditions throughout the Pacific Northwest.
I just temporarily come back, if again have what assorted, also ambition again go to sleet piano metropolis!
我只是暂时回来, 如果再有什么异样, 还要再去雪琴城!
Yi sleet gave up a flounder and shut worthwhile of a look, Moncler Giubbotti, carefully memorize this material.
伊雪放弃了挣扎, 闭上眼, 仔细的回想这件事。
Evening temperatures drop to below freezing point in Yushu, and there was a little snow and sleet on Monday afternoon.
玉树的夜间温度降到零下, 周一下午还下起了小雪转雨夹雪。
Said to stretch hand to point to be hugged by the wet nurse looking at in the bosom book sleet goes fishing of Hong Tun.
When melting snow crystals or raindrops fall through very cold air , they freeze to form small particles of ice , called sleet.
Winter skies are cold and low, with harsh winds and freezing sleet. But when we make love beneath our quilt, we make three summer months of heat.

单词 sleet 释义

  • 单词释义:n.冰雨,雨夹雪;vi.下雨雪,下冰雹  [更多..]



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