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单词 portrayal 例句大全,用单词portrayal造句:

These select ladies bring a bit more dignity and sex appeal to the portrayal of the average leading lady in film.
这几位女士要比一般的电影明星更有地位, 也更富魅力。
An exploration and analysis of the reform of state enterprise in West China and the portrayal of enterprise image
His writings demonstrated an unrelenting strength of life through the portrayal of uninhabited romantic atmosphere.
他的小说在粗犷的浪漫主义氛围中, 呈现出不屈的生命力量。
The famous performing artist of Beijing Opera, Mr. Shang Changrong, has created and performed a vivid portrayal of Caocao.
The stone gulf male Zi glaze has an unique style, enamel color the Hun is thick and rich in hues and the shape is vivid and vivid portrayal.

单词 portrayal 释义

  • 单词释义:画像,肖像;描述,描写;叙述  [更多..]



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