The person that do chrysalis needs conceited, bilk person got law punish severely.
However, it may be spread from person to person by fomites and contaminated water.
Don't allow incapable person or unrecognized person to move close to the equipment.
as a person who's living to relating to the deceased as a person who's an ancestor.
从与死者生前的联系 变为把死者 作为祖先的一员看待。
Adults ambush time is different from person to person, some may the length ten years.
Sheet a person to be like over there his discovery carelessly he is a wealthy person.
For marriage, you should find a nice person to love and be a loveable person yourself.
And I went out and I interviewed person after person who was suffering with depression.
于是我去探访了一个又一个 经历过抑郁的人
The person dies for the bosom friend person, the woman holds the own one for being happy
士为知己者死, 女为悦己者容
This section should be completed by the person who applies to become a Competent Person.
But ordinary person, die to all want banality to be a person rather, just, so of live like
而平凡人, 宁愿死都是要平凡做人, 只是, 这样的生活好吗?
This person may not be the person you would have chosen as the guardian for your children.
这个人当你子女的监护人, 可能不合你意。
Dont a what person think have much classic, dont also a what person think have much filth.
Arrangement where one person or company act on behalf of another person in contractual matter.
No person shall, in any pleasure ground, use any obscene language to the annoyance of any person.
Better to deal with a virtuous than a mean person. Better to debate a wise than a foolish person.
A person appointed by the court to administer the estate of a deceased person who has no executor.
Person arteries and veins also has very great help to seeking professional person of the position.
Dengue virus is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. There is no person to person spread.
the person to the left of them, and they have chosen to look after the person to the right of them.
他们左边的人也关照 他们右边的人
one that drafts,especially a person who drafts plans or designs or a person who composes a document
Suddenly you become a more loving person, a more caring person. The world becomes a little brighter.
It is harder for an emotional person to hide his feelings than a callous person hiding his grimness.
The bacteria are transmitted from person to person through droplets of respiratory or throat secretions.
The barrier housing feeds specially the convenient housing which the person and the disabled person uses.