The toxic component which is responsible for the toxicity of HL might be mainly in PEE.
We are now able to play pee a boo, which is something I never thought Id be able to say.
我们现在可以做藏猫猫的游戏了, 这从前我是不敢提的。
Thus, she didnt dare get up rashly and only asked her son if he wanted to go down and pee.
因此不敢冒昧起身, 只问小孩子要不要下去撒尿。
Now whenever I try to cook some food, the kitchen is flooded with the scent of burning cat pee.
Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in prblic places or otherwise call attention to yourself,
在公共场所不要骂三字经, 大声喧哗, 随地便溺或呕吐
It is the work of estheticism Great Master really, is who can think of this meeting a pee fight
真是唯美主义大师的作品, 谁能想到这会是一个小便斗呢?
KAREN Good lord. I cant believe Im at a public pool. Why doesnt somebody just pee directly on me
天啊, 我居然来公共泳池!还不如直接泼尿在我身上!
Teacher walked into class one morning and there was a puddle of pee on the floor beside her desk.
早晨, 老师走进教室, 发现在她的讲台边的地板上有一滩小便。
Poop and pee have lots of germs in them, so we need to wash our hands every time after we go potty.
So to try and get through today, Ive kind of disciplined myself with an 18minute talk. I was hanging on to have a pee.
为了今天顺利, 我试着约束自己做好一个18分钟的演讲。