I'll go to church every day if this is her nightly skinny dip.
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the Nightly shore
阴森冷酷的前辈乌鸦, 从奈河岸边来到这里,
Enjoy the live bands nightly with our state of the art sound system.
So nightly baths have become a part of their ritual even to this day.
The trick now is trying to get that game to appear on a nightly basis.
现在, 他们打球得窍门是每晚打出对灰熊那样得比赛来。
Scanning the sky nightly, astronomers zoomed in on this pair of stars.
The nightly bath is a time of rest where one can begin to turn inward.
I'm sure we watched the nightly news, and then we turned on the movie.
And now the sleeping draught was a nightly thing, she did not have to ask.
现在, 安眠液是每晚必备的东西, 不用她要求。
Ah, that I were dark and nightly! how would I suck at the breasts of light!
Apply nightly, before moisturising, over face and neck with upward strokes.
在使用前先向上按摩脸和脖子, 适合晚上使用。
This is my nightly reminder of how dogs earned the moniker Man's Best Friend.
Perhaps dieters are seeking out their shunned treats in regular nightly escapes.
Some are going home for the day others are just starting their nightly activities.
有些是回家的一天, 有些则刚刚起步的夜间活动。
You buy lovely bath oils, because you want to start taking a nightly relaxing bath.
It's the morning following a nightly build and everyone's standing around the water cooler.
Be in nightly, flowers does not undertake photosynthesis, spit carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen.
Your average housewife worries constantly about, the dangerous people she sees on the nightly news.
通常,主妇们提防坏人 是因为看夜间新闻报道。
Fade black hormone is in for the pineal body of brain center a kind of hormone of nightly generation.
This nightly ritual was just as it had always been with the exception that their mother was now missing.
Their sleep is regularly disturbed by the sound of gunfire as criminal gangs settle their nightly accounts.
If meet cloudy day, flower can come behindhand nightly ability wither, just wither in the morning the following day even sometimes.
若逢阴天, 花朵会迟至夜间才凋, 有时甚至第二天早晨方谢。