The neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago.
His is the only house in the neighborhood with a television antenna on the roof.
The world has narrowed to a neighborhood before it has broadened to brotherhood.
世界这个世界在亲如兄弟之前, 不妨先睦如邻里。
Gemini goes around the neighborhood once, changes costumes and goes around again.
Then there was the old apple tree. it sits on an undeveloped lot in my neighborhood.
A Filter Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Noise Based on the Information of Neighborhood
He began to be known in the neighborhood under the name of the beggar who gives alms.
Then there was the old apple tree. It'sits on an undeveloped land in my neighborhood.
有一棵老苹果树, 就长在我家附近得一块荒地上。
Then there was the old apple tree. it sits on an undeveloped land in my neighborhood.
The police scoured the neighborhood for nearly a month. Then they accused Harry Hoffman.
Take advantage of local specials at the neighborhood diner instead of eating in your hotel
以本地特色菜, 而不是在您的酒店附近吃晚餐的优势?
Aunt Chen from the neighborhood committees often helps to resolve disputes among the dwellers.
N.The furthest dog's continual barking nearby made people in the whole neighborhood sleepless.
The neighborhood interference effect in the Masson Pine and Camphortree mixed artificial forest
The next day Father Bear introduced the brown bear to all the father bears in the neighborhood.
Object Segmentation Method Based on Variable Contour Neighborhood Graph Cuts and Active Contours
And there is a football field, several basket ball courts and a swimming pool in the neighborhood.
In ancient times, the neighborhood outside the city gate was the most prosperous area of this city.
Research on the Torsional Vibration in the Neighborhood of Nominal Motion of Belt Drive Pulley Systems
Since most neighborhood association can be used as a classifier, and can store any simulated vector mode.
The people in the neighborhood lead a difficult life as they are surrounded by barren land that stretches for miles.
赤地千里, 周围的老百姓生活非常艰难。
Now, as telephones are becoming universal among families, neighborhood telephone services are gradually falling into disuse.
At the right moment I go with bride of have in yard an in beard in the releasing of the Ci source temple neighborhood together.
He makes money taking pictures of the neighborhood, and the people in the neighborhood and is a great resource in the community.
他为邻居拍照赚钱,对于街坊邻居 这是一个巨大的资源
The organization form of the community neighborhood committee chiefly adopts the system of being separated between saying and acting.