Asing if agree, traditional media is opposite suddenly Gu Ge group rise and attack.
仿佛是约好的, 传统媒体突然对谷歌群起而攻之。
However, losers accrue if exchange rates move in the opposite, unexpected direction.
You can dazzle members of the opposite sex with your quick wit and aggressive charm.
Changsha Train station opposite direct link Chrysanthemum airport Che Duo long time?
Changsha Train station opposite direct link Chrysanthemum airport Che Duo long time ?
However, the huge outflow of money from retirement accounts will have the opposite effect.
然而, 从退休帐户中提出大量金钱会产生相反作用。
Indoors air temperature with the measurement of the opposite degree of humidity and adjust.
Le Lemon Lake is opposite the new Internaional Exhibition and close to the Capital Airport.
The one crag rose on the north opposite Michmash, and the other on the south opposite Geba.
Herbs. Branches usually acutely 4angled, sometimes spiny, hirsute, glandular. Leaves opposite.
草本通常尖锐四棱形, 有时具刺的分枝, 具粗毛, 具腺。
This greatly aids in reducing resistance during the underwater pull phase of the opposite arm.
The leaf is alternant opposite, wide egg circle, long wide close equal, upside summary narrow.
The Masses of Kidney and Opposite Adrenal Gland with Lymph Node Enlargement in Abdominal Cavity
Any plant of the genus Ageratum having opposite leaves and small heads of blue or white flowers.
The cast, I think, the leading actor, the leading actress playing opposite him and everyone else.
Opposite adaptation values in connection with misfiring point to incorrectly adjusted control times.
Hume envisioned the opposite adjustment process for countries that were initially thrown into deficit.
Be opposite additionally cannot join the computer of Internet, cloud safety exists in name only possibly.
另外对不能连接互联网的计算机, 云安全就可能形同虚设。
Thus, an alteration to the environment that was intended to benefit society often has the opposite effect.
A reseach on the rehabilitation effect of using hearing aid in the opposite ear after cochlear implantation
As for the accused of the opposite party, the court considered the preliminary investigation to be insufficient.
When the hand of the affected side is placed on the opposite shoulder the elbow cannot be made to touch the chest.
The westerner thought that leaves behind the address to the human, must ask opposite party to sojourn proficiently.
Medical treatment allowance can be managed by the unit, also can be sure to be opposite through commerce the worker is accessorial.
医疗补助可由单位治理, 也可通过商业保险对职工补助。
Should be opposite according to oneself the requirement of humidity, reasonable adjustment wet value of sparge quantity and constant.