But people are apt to marvel at an ingenious mechanism and obliterate the man who makes it.
但是人们往往对精巧的器械大为惊异, 却忘记了制造它的人。
And the good news is, you dont have to disband your quest to obliterate selfdefeating limits.
Double rune abilities damage increased Obliterate, Howling Blast, Scourge Strike, Death Strike.
打击技能的疾病加成改变, 武器伤害也会受疾病加成。
Some of the Centre Street petitioners said they did in fact want to obliterate their old identities.
That at this point, you would consciously choose to work for something that will obliterate your race.
Subfreezing temperatures obliterate these vessels and this leads to tumor destruction by devascularization.
DPS Set 4 pieces Your Obliterate, Scourge Strike and Death Strike generate an additional 8 Runic Power when used.
Grind extremely delicate last stage, move apply face to go up with albumen every night, lie between a day to obliterate with Wen Shui in the morning.
研极细末, 每晚以蛋白调敷脸上, 隔天早上以温水擦去。
Two different tendencies should be prevented in education—one is to completely obliterate the boundary between teaching and learning to the extent that the teacher's leading role is denied; the other is that emphasis is only placed on teaching without asking about the students' interests and not paying attention to their questions.