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单词 housewife 例句大全,用单词housewife造句:

And because I'm just the housewife, I get to drive the bucket of bolts.
而我只是个家庭主妇, 所以我只能开破烂。
Househusband, like housewife, manages the household as main occupation.
M other was being m ade up looking like the ideal, m iddleaged housewife.
这个人就是齐拉, 那个粗壮的家庭主妇。
The mouse's tearing the blouse and trousers aroused the housewife's anger.
The mouse's tearing the blouse and trousers aroused the housewife's anger.
The foot on the cradle, the hand on the distaff, a sign of good housewife.
It never occurred to me that she would react just like the average housewife.
This woman is a housewife, And she doesn't bother trying to be beautiful Because.
A girl baby who first grabs a sewing item or cooking utensil will be a good housewife.
But lately, his most interesting patient Was a housewife Who'd had a nervous breakdown.
但是最近,他最感兴趣的病人 是一位主妇 患有精神失常。
Chronic fatigue syndrome was known by the dismissive term"housewife syndrome".
Wenwen became a housewife after her marriage and takes care of her husband and children.
文文婚后当了专职太太, 在家相夫教子。
Cistern a lot of housewife think double cistern is more more convenience than odd cistern.
But she will elegantly escape her fate as a desperate housewife by becoming a serial bride.
她永远不会成为家庭主妇, 而是一直在做新娘。
A housewife had been accused of murder, and her trial was growing more sensational each day.
一名主妇被指控谋杀 她的案子变得越来越轰动。
Clara, a young Boston housewife, was devastated, although all her family was already in America.
克莱拉住在波士顿, 是一位年轻的家庭妇女。
Its got too hard trying to juggle three responsibility had a career and is a mother and housewife.
Your average housewife worries constantly about, the dangerous people she sees on the nightly news.
通常,主妇们提防坏人 是因为看夜间新闻报道。
The saying means no matter how skillful a housewife is, she can't cook a meal without rice literally.
本义为再巧的主妇, 要是没有米也做不出饭来。
Second, the housewife should establish the refrigerator and the cabinet freezer temperature correctly.
The finger when the height of workbench should stand with housewife can touch birdbath bottom is accurate.
During the days of abundant farm labour women were very much confined to the roles of housewife and mother.
The cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice, just as Israelites couldn't make bricks without straw.
Since we got married ten years ago, my better half has always been a typical housewife who does her duty well.
Well, the Scottish Womens Rural Institutes recently started a debate on whether the term housewife should be banned from the dictionary.

单词 housewife 释义

  • 单词释义:家庭主妇;家庭妇女  [更多..]



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