Effects of tetrandrine on the slow inward currents in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers
In the process of difficult life circulation intercourse, answer self inward puzzle.
在生命艰难的循环往复的过程中, 解答自己内心的困惑。
Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts.You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
The lateral inward tilting, as of a motor vehicle or an aircraft negotiating a curve.
飞机水平行飞了一会儿, 然后开始倾斜并转弯。
Money cant buy inward peace peace is the result of a constructive philosophy of life.
The Cointegration Test for Inward FDI from America and Trade between China and America
The inner eye wall eventually dissipates while the outer intensifies and moves inward.
Elegance is pure odor, which breathes from inward. Then, cold look seems somewhat warm
Brush strokes should be done with an inward motion and towards the center of interest.
All the children stand in a circle facing inward, with their hands behind their backs.
All the children stand in a circle facing inward, with their hands behind their backs.
所有的孩子们把手放在背后, 面朝里站成一圈。
It is an inward preoccupation which dulls her ability to assess other people objectively.
In the face of threats from abroad, it can be tempting to seek comfort by turning inward.
Inward dive A combination of straight, pike or tuck positions used only in twisting dives.
向内跳水直体, 屈体和抱膝的组合, 只用于转体跳水。
Such as the inward or outward off the ball to slow down or speed up the feather ball speed.
Consider a cloud of gas that is contracting inward under the attractive power of its own gravity.
The lateral inward tilting,as of a motor vehicle or an aircraft,in turning or negotiating a curve.
This process causes the mycelium, a network of fungal threads, to begin growing inward into the log.
Afterwards, I went toward the yard and looked upward, downward, inward, outward, forward and backward.
后来我走向院子, 向上下内外前后看。
The serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavityand folds inward to enclose the viscera.
The serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity and folds inward to enclose the viscera.
In short, he had been administering to himself little inward remonstrances and he feared Marius reproaches.
总之, 他对这件事多少有些内疚, 并且又怕马吕斯责怪。
The man much quieter, more inward, the very shapes of his shoulders and his Buttocks less assertive, more hesitant.
Upper blade holder has inward tilting structure to facilitate meterial feed in and also enhance accuracy of the work piece.
the local nonlinear advection increases evidently the inward propagation of vorticity , and therefore strengthens the typhoon obviously.