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单词 sanity 例句大全,用单词sanity造句:

Some other rules make one question the sanity of mobile app developers.
Fortunately, by Friday , a mellow sanity returns to these relationships.
幸运的是, 到周五, 这些感情又会变得柔和稳定。
But the events of last week have left patience and sanity in short supply.
Sanity acceptance testing for every build, integration point, or iteration.
Communication, helps children gradually own sanity theirselves in society.
The shamer is the kind of person who makes you question your own sanity before his.
He and his wife finally had to move from their apartment just to preserve their sanity.
The Theoretical Consideration on Party Sticking to Democratic Centralism and Its Sanity
But I just want to enter a small plea for sanity, a reminder that there must be limits.
我只有一个小小的请求, 那就是请保持理智和限度。
Names that had brought her to the edge of a breakdown and left her doubting her own sanity.
他们将她带到了悬崖边缘, 丢下她让她都不愿相信自己。
After the switch configuration is complete, you can run a few sanity checks on your configuration.
There has to be a willingness to do good deeds, but not, of course, at the expense of our own sanity.
我们要乐于行善 但同时应保持我们的理智
The customer protested in such a loud,, and maniacal manner that onlookers thought he had lost his sanity.
The Invisible Man. H. G. Wells. A scientists sanity and morality is the price of his invisibility formula.
Many organizations place too much emphasis on standardization at the expense of both innovation and sanity.
很多机构过分强调标准化, 甚至以创新和稳键为代价。

单词 sanity 释义

  • 单词释义:神志正常;心智健康;头脑清楚;通情达理  [更多..]



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