But then why persist with the pretence particularly if it drains a companys efficiency
此种做法已是妨碍了公司效率, 又为什么要自欺欺人?
With one remark he had ripped away the mask of pretence which covered their activities.
With one remark she had ripped away the mask of pretence which covered their activities.
But then why persist with the pretence, particularly if it drains a company's efficiency?
Humility is defined as modesty, lacking pretence, not believing yourself superior to others.
One who harms company by accepting bribes or swindling by false pretence in the name of company.
She got a considerable sum of money out of the unsuspecting people under the pretence of collecting for the blind.
她以替盲人募捐为借口, 从轻信的人们那里骗取了一大笔钱。
Affection and passion come from truth and not pretence. Everyone can find themselves in their nudity and can stop pretending.
如果你想找个理由去打一条狗, 就说它偷吃了煎锅。
Those people slapped together an outfit and under the pretence of collecting for charity, bluffed and cheated their way around.
几个人搭了个草台班子, 打着慈善捐款的幌子到处招摇撞骗。
They were so thrilled and delighted that they flung away any pretence of being demure young ladies and rushed out of the house.
They refused to criticize him but instead, on the pretence of criticizing Confucius, directed their real attack at Comrades Zhou Enlai and Ye Jianying.
他们不批林, 假批孔, 把矛头指向周恩来同志, 叶剑英同志。