It is endowed with riches, and is ideally suited for the habitat of enlightened souls.
Ideally, you should now reboot your system to ensure that that the new layout is used.
Ideally the Revolution creates a government and society based on equality of free men.
Ideally, the cars slide along this wall or crash barrier and dissipate energy and speed.
Ideally, it would be better to have capacity to fulfill all missions and requirements.
The Mechanism believes that ideally the camp should be moved further away from the border.
机制认为, 理想的情况是将难民营移走, 使其距边境更远些。
Ideally, the design of short prom dress Evening Gowns is deemed to be as simple as doable.
Thus, requirements should, ideally, be expressed in terms of a mean and standard deviation.
The supercharger and the turbocharger complement one another ideally in the way they operate.
When you arrive at your destination, immediately hang up your clothes, ideally in the bathroom.
Ideally, the discount rate represents the premium that the society puts on present consumption.
in the ideally goodlooking man a small imperfection or blemish is considered positively desirable.
Ideally, it is preferred to run this statement when a bulk of data is manipulated in the database.
当对数据库中的大量数据进行操纵时, 最好运行该语句。
Ideally, however, when you get the number you'll have enough attraction AND rapport to make it mutual.
One advantage of using a differential architecture is that ideally common mode signals will be rejected.
使用差分架构的一个优点为, 理想地, 共模信号将被抑制。
Roma would ideally like to sell Cassano but their transfer embargo is currently blocking that alternative.
如果没有转会禁令, 罗马很可能准备卖掉卡萨诺。
The Liebherr demolition excavators therefore, as well are ideally suited for civil engineering applications.
因此, 利勃海尔拆毁挖掘机特别适合于土木建筑应用。
A sophisticated and relaxed lounge ideally located in the pulse of Shanghai, on the bund where east meets west.
Ideally, results from all reviews should be stored in a database with a reporting package available for analysis.
Ideally it would be some-thing that would dissolve in solvents to make insulating varnishes and yet be as moldable as rubber.
Ideally in the plastic industry of components dedicated for the mass production or any inspection activity in relation with consumer products.