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单词 out 例句大全,用单词out造句:

She squeaked out a cry of fear as the mouse ran out of the bedroom door.
She spoke tears out faster, a person actually angrily ran out of the park
说着说着眼泪都快出来了, 一个人竟气冲冲地跑出了公园
Horse is running out, and strengthening the armed forces are playing out.
Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out the earth are controlled by Satan.
In moments like these, I sing out a song, I sing out a love song to Jesus.
在这个时刻, 我向主歌唱, 唱出一首爱的诗歌。
Flattery is from he teeth out. Sincere appreciation is from the heart out.
Drive out a scoffer, and strife goes out quarreling and abuse will cease.
The old adage that out of sight is out of mind is directly applicable here.
Gune found out that Ping locks Nam, but he is knock out by Ping afterwards.
军发现有男被锁在仓内, 冷不防被萍从后击晕。
I take out a bag of candy from my backpack and hold it out to the children.
As Watts points out, viral thinkers analyze trends after they've broken out.
Check the Due Out Guest, assist front desk with check out guest at rush time.
I got out of bed, dressed quickly and crept out of the house toward the barn.
我下了床, 很快穿上衣服, 蹑手蹑脚走出房子来到谷仓。
We were ordered to stand well out to sea, out of the range of shore batteries.
And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out?
It turns out that everyone's anecdotal experience out camping is actually true.
Today, while out with my boyfriend I accidentally let out a rather large fart.
Goldilocks jumped out of the bed and rushed out of the house without her basket.
金凤花姑娘跳下床, 没有拿篮子就冲出房子。
Her purse slipped out of her bag when she opened it to bake out the handkerchief.
My girlfriend kicked me out of apartment when she found out I was cheating on her.
我的女朋友发现我背着她乱搞, 把我赶出了公寓。
As they come out, they come out thumbs down, or they come out little finger first.
手出水时, 大拇指朝下, 或者说小手指领先出水。
People set out with a lot of ambition andenthusiasm, and start out with a big goal.
Never stay out this late, or you won't be allowed to go out in the evening anymore.
Out the law The most anxious to get out and the wife, the last out is also his wife.
出门定律最着急出门的是妻子, 最后出门的也是妻子。
Abby narrowly escapes being shot as well, gets out of sight and knocks out the light.

单词 out 释义

  • 单词释义:出局;在外,在外部;完全,彻底;出版  [更多..]



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