Now your homework assignment is to really think about this, to contemplate what it means.
你们的回家作业 是去好好想想这些 这到底意味着什么
It could not contemplate anything like the transfers that Americas federal system allows.
How can we contemplate a civilian nuclear programme without causing suspicion and mistrust?
Contemplate the inner nature of your Mind, you can then entering into the stream of Dharma.
所谓进到法里, 就是向内观心。
The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate. or The consequences would be disastrous.
Use wisdom to contemplate the meaning of life. Use resolve to organize the time you are given.
用智慧探讨人生真义, 用毅力安排人生时间。
and protect it against the moral treason of any who would seriously contemplate its destruction.
Most Wol Cabasshites are content to simply sit and contemplate the nature of the universe and eat.
The main human rights treaties generally contemplate legislative, administrative and judicial measures.
No surveyor would contemplate the construction of a new building without first drawing up detailed plans.
The destruction of a President with its collapse of executive authority was too staggering to contemplate.
Staring at our school badge, we look back on the past, we assess the present, and we contemplate the future.
Contemplate the Viewpoint of Sports and Health and Construct the New Teaching Pattern in the Reform of P. E.
Since they refuse to contemplate reining in military spending, they will have to run on reduced entitlements.
由于他们拒绝考虑减少军费开支, 他们只能减少福利。
Its agenda should contemplate the inclusion of measures devised to combat tax evasion and illicit capital flight.
Labs will be spent building bicycles to investigate and contemplate the design choices made by the manufacturers.
You like to get away from it all and be alone from time to time to contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy yourself.
你喜欢时刻抛离一切独自思考生命的意义, 并且享受自我。
Even his clerical terminology of the class, will always try to figure out up from the prophecy intended to contemplate.
There were orders for rushing heavy bodies of troops to the West in anticipation of any attacks them might contemplate.
As I contemplate the achievements of Hong Kong University, I am filled with deep admiration and also, it has to be admitted, with wistfulness.