Christians confess the lordship and the providential care of God over the world.
I am not sure he is guilty but such being the case he should confess his actions.
Trial, the commission refused to confess to criminal board stick fight, to confess.
审讯中, 该犯拒不招认, 以刑板杖打, 方招供。
The man had to confess to stealing the candy bar when confronted with the video tape.
I confess that the body is in heaven, but I also confess that it is in the sacrament.
This is because people can confess to you, they can confide in you, they can help you.
We have to feel ashamed, punished, and take some advise also, so we confess to a priest
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess. That includes your knees and your tongue.
万膝要跪拜, 万口要承认, 那也包括你的膝和你的口。
Father in heaven I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ to confess that Im a sinner.
Now I must confess great concern over the direction the Abbot is guiding our Brotherhood.
I confess that I am a very bad correspondent, so far as promptness of reply is concerned.
I must confess it grieved me that I must be the instrument to abuse so honest a gentleman.
I have to confess that the rain of Britain really and leaves quickly, and changing rapidly.
我不得不承认一点, 英国的雨来得快, 去的也快, 变化无常。
Until you mourn over sin and until you confess your sin, you will not receive God's comfort.
If Mike were to confess he 'd thrown away the map, the others wouldn't know until he said it.
The accused refused to confess despite being subjected to the third degree for two whole days.
Maintaining a calm, level tone of voice, simply apologise, confess your mistake, and back down.
保持冷静平和的语调, 简单地道歉, 承认自己的错误, 然后退让。
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
无不口称耶稣基督为主, 使荣耀归与父神。
This named thanked the statical wave the female student to confess afterward cheated the process.
The enemy tried to make me confess by setting traps, fortunately, I was able to see through them.
own known admit declare assert proclaim acknowledge confess make announce profess protest avow to.
She knew that she must confess the truth to Robert before he witnessed something that would alarm him.
Provide real time draining off number of times and accumulate displacement, Confess to run personnel analysis.
They were pounding the desk in the interrogation room repeatedly and forced him to confess his alleged crimes.
Roxy escapes from slavery and returns to Tom in St Louis, demanding that he confess the affair to the Judge and ask for the money to buy her out of slavery again.