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单词 clever 例句大全,用单词clever造句:

Involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction.
涉及有心计的歹徒或者冒险家, 特别指一种小说样式。
A clever jailor, recalled an excellent way, he grows to allusion jail say.
一个聪明的狱吏, 想出了一个绝妙的办法, 他向典狱长说。
The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge that his teachers could give him.
Above all, designer clothes are more popular because of clever advertising.
He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.
And then they were so clever, they found a way to analyze fossilized pollen.
然后他们发现了一个聪明的办法来分析 变为化石的花粉
Consult to each ace especially, can have clever court of what folk prescription!
A clever lawyer should be able to trick the prisoner into an admission of guilt.
Though ambition got you nowhere, destroying yourself was not very clever either.
This picture scroll fluent, exquisitely clever lines accurate, full of expression.
Apple has consistently combined clever technology with simplicity and ease of use.
The clever women are not so nice somewhat beautiful don't think are clever enough.
Necklace surrounds with perfect radian neck, lightsome and clever, adorn comfortable.
The inferior goods were sold on the basis of clever packaging and astute advertising.
Faber had imagined them to be young, fit, aggressive and bellicose as well as clever.
在费伯的想象中, 他们都是年富力强, 逞能好斗, 聪明伶俐的人。
hind, one like to go up this wises and farsighted and the woman of clever and artful.
后, 一下就喜欢上这个睿智而慧黠的女人。
The clever man are not so nice and somewhat handsome don't think we are clever enough.
Characteristic Ploy is clever and simple, modelling is rich and changeful, application is agile.
特点手法巧妙简单, 造型丰富多变, 应用灵活。
He has been clever and fond of studying since he was young, and way ahead of his peers in study.
他自小聪敏好学, 成绩一直遥遥领先。
The yogi should eat moderately and abstemiously; otherwise, how ever clever, he cannot gain success.
Only with the help of clever steps can you avoid trouble and achieve greater success with less cost.
Even the media April fools Day occasionally try to deceive the public with a clever April Fool story.
After the divorce, poor clever boy sleeps in the evening again and again, bedplate creaks creak rings.
for similar expressions,see entries for ns,as clever,stupid,etc as they come be very clever, stupid,etc
The women who think we are clever, that are nice, somewhat clever and have lordliness have a lot of pursuers.

单词 clever 释义



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