Xander, the one born in Iowa, is also the8th grandchild for his mothers parents.
Now I wonder if my grandchild will ever have the experience of being in white bark.
Prof Hawking currently lives in Cambridge and has three children and one grandchild.
Taking the priests advice, the King ordered that his grandchild be killed upon birth.
听从祭司的建议后, 国王下令杀掉这个刚出生的婴孩
He loved me as his very own grandchild, even though he was a year younger than my father.
AD 265, Si Mayan of Si Mayis grandchild builds the Western Jin Dynasty on behalf of Wei Dynasty.
摘要公元265年, 司马彭之孙司马炎代魏称帝建立西晋。
This approach does not mean that grandchild domains cannot be used to host mailboxenabled users.
Once again, they confronted Hakuin, demanding the return of their grandchild. Hakuin was willing.
他们再一次找到白隐禅师, 要求他把自己的孙子还回来。
Every brother, sister and grandchild practice in the correct method then the ghosts will run away.
My heart ached when I looked at them, wishing with all my heart that I were, truly, their grandchild.
我望着他们, 心如刀割。我多么希望我真是他们的孙女。
Jusu says she was tormented when she heard Allieu confess to the killing of her daughter and grandchild.
The feeble old man said it would be a luxury to be able to walk to the riverside and watch his grandchild swimming.
这位虚弱的老人说, 他到海边去看孙子游泳也几乎不能了。